Blaming comes handy in almost all cases of our daily lives. We blame small things that prohibited us to accomplish things and we blame others for not doing as they’re told or for not understanding what we said. In everyday lives we may affect a third party or even several other third parties, but we rarely affect several people in one blow.

If we affect multiple people with our statements of blame, there are usually some instruments that may check our statements. These instruments may be adopted by the society at large or invoked on random. For example, If I for example blame a friend in front of other friends they might check me for my statement and come to our friend’s rescue and accuse me of falsely blaming him. This is common sense and something we all endure in our private lives. Another case might be in our professional lives when we try to explain why something wasn’t done or completed due to circumstances. In software development there are a number of circumstances that arise during development that weren’t accounted for in the beginning and we’ve somewhat learned to handle these disruptions without blaming individuals, teams, software etc. But there’s still a lot of blame going around since it’s really handy as a first time solution. But my point is that both in personal spheres or professional ones, there are methods or people who stand up for checking ones’ blame accusations and it’s healthy.

Now, enter politics and especially Donald Trump

With the previous week’s blame accusation that the WHO had withheld information or not been transparent enough the information they had obtained there should have been some blame accusation instrumentation in place that would say “Hey, that might have been a false accusation” and what are your proofs? And since that blame and it’s related decision to withdraw the support for the WHO affects billions of people worldwide there should really have been an instrument within the judicial process in the USA to hold the president accountable.

And this in the midst of a pandemic!!

Trump’s demeanor of people and random accusations of people on Twitter, publicly and at nightly rants is well documented and he has no scruples in blaming others for his own faults. But this takes the level of blame and what he can get away with to a whole new level. Imagine that I as a country’s top official and very public person, would blame a country-neutral, worldwide acclaimed organization aimed to provide better health to a planet’s inhabitants in the midst of a global pandemic causing the coordination of potential vaccines and the distribution of it to the world to be postponed for unforeseeable future? It’s unimaginable! This is not the trademark of a leader, this is the trademark of an selfish despot who only cares for not getting caught with his hands in the jar, while on the other hand securing a potential vaccine for himself and not sharing it with the rest of the world

Since there is no apparent (effective) instrument within American judiciary to hold the president accountable for blaming individuals, groups, organizations or countries, the consequences are on a global level whenever an despot, religious evangelist or any other idiot becomes the President. It causes the world to shiver and hence the US cannot be trusted to be a reliable partner for worldly questions anymore. Sure, there are intelligent people in the US, but as long as they get threatened by a President who isn’t held responsible to anyone nor affected by any instrument, the US is in a downfall.